vendredi, décembre 19, 2008
Dangerous Food Additives
article by:
Mike Adams
Consumer health advocate
Were you aware that food companies add chemicals to their products that stimulate hunger and disrupt normal appetite control?
It's a clever (but downright devious) strategy for selling more food and boosting the profits of food corporations.
But the truth about these chemicals -- known as excitotoxins -- is never explained to consumers. The food companies don't want you to know that these chemicals cause obesity, infertility, migraines and cancer, among other health problems.
Dirty food company secrets revealed!
Now, in an exclusive Mike Adams interview, Dr. Russell Blaylock reveals the startling truth about these common taste-enhancing chemicals: monosodium glutamate, aspartame, yeast extract, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, autolyzed proteins and more!
Download the full interview right now at:
In this tell-all interview, you'll learn:
How MSG and aspartame are related to cancer, obesity, neurodegenerative diseases, and metabolic disorders.
How food companies hide MSG on food labels by using a "secret code" of innocent-sounding ingredients.
Why kids eating Splenda may end up with suppressed immune systems.
How the manufacturers of artificial sweeteners enforce scientific censorship on the dangers of their products.
The real reason why the American Diabetes Association won't speak out against aspartame.
Why yeast extract is more dangerous than monosodium glutamate.
The hidden link between soy and dementia.
Why many foods labeled "all natural" aren't healthy -- or natural!
How you can slow MSG and glutamate absorption using nutrients and herbs.
How aspartame both causes and accelerates cancer.
Why the pharmaceutical industry needs MSG to help create more patients.
Check your food labels now
How common are these dangerous ingredients? Check the ingredients labels of the food in your pantry right now. Look for yeast extract, aspartame or monosodium glutamate. Also check for any ingredient that's hydrolyzed or autolyzed. If you spot any of these, you have excitotoxins in your food!
You'll find these excitotoxins in:
Diet soda
"Sugar-free" drinks and sweets
Canned soups
Frozen pizza
Vegetarian foods, including veggie burgers
Snack chips
Diabetic foods
Salad dressing
Breakfast sausage
Beef jerky and chicken strips
Frozen foods, even "natural" ones
Instant dinner mixes
Baby food
Ranch-flavored dips and sauces
Gravy mixes and dip mixes
Bullion cubes and flavor packets
... and hundreds of other grocery products and restaurant foods.
As Dr. Russell Blaylock explains, these excitotoxin ingredients are known to promote:
Neurological disorders
Blurred vision
Increased appetite / overeating
Infertility and reproductive disorders
Impaired brain function
Cancer / brain tumors
Heart damage and cardiovascular harm
Endocrine system damage (affecting hormones)
If you suffer from any of these symptoms or conditions, it is imperative that you download and read this interview today.
To your health,
Mike Adams
Consumer health advocate
Posted by Papillon :: 8:54 AM :: 0 Comments: ![]()
lundi, décembre 15, 2008
Celtic Woman A Christmas Celebration-Ding Dong Merrly.......
Something special for you to enjoy.....
Posted by Papillon :: 8:24 PM :: 0 Comments: ![]()
jeudi, décembre 11, 2008
The Dangers of Bleaching Your Teeth
If you ever bleach your teeth with those home kits or have ever thought of bleaching your teeth, this is an article that you should read.
Posted by Papillon :: 7:42 AM :: 0 Comments: ![]()
lundi, décembre 08, 2008
Fighting Disease with Garlic
Fight Disease with Garlic
by Sheryl Walters, citizen journalist
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(NaturalNews) Garlic is a powerhouse super food that can wipe out unwanted visitors in the body and prevent disease. Garlic has been used throughout recorded history for both culinary and medicinal purposes. Its pungent, spicy flavour adds a kick to any dish. Just one clove a day will provide your body with vitamins A, B and C, as well as a vast array of minerals including selenium, iodine, potassium, iron, calcium, zinc and magnesium.
Garlic is generally regarded as more beneficial when it is fresh out of the bulb. Within a short time of being smashed it begins to lose it potency. Some of the healing benefits of garlic include:
Potent Antioxidant
Garlic prevents free radical damage to protect against aging and disease. It fights against the oxidative damage from the environment and cigarette smoke. Garlic contains allicin, which increases blood levels of two powerful antioxidant enzymes: catalase and glutathione peroxidase. Because of its free radical power, it prevents aging, keeping the body detoxified and youthful.
Cancer Prevention
Research shows that the antioxidant allicin is anti cancerous. When the garlic is eaten, a chemical reaction occurs which can kill tumors. Research at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill analyzed 18 studies looking at garlic eaters and revealed that high people who ate a high amount of raw or cooked garlic had a decreased risk of colorectal cancer of 10% to nearly 50%. It also showed that the risk of developing stomach cancer halved for those who consumed the most garlic.
Slashes the Risk of Heart Disease
According to scientists at Weill Medical College of Cornell University in New York, the compounds in garlic may play a significant role in maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system. Garlic lowers LDL “bad” cholesterol and blood pressure. A study published in the Journal of the Royal College of Physicians reviewed data on cholesterol and found that after just four weeks there was a 12 per cent reduction in cholesterol levels in the research groups that had taken garlic. And a study in the Journal of Hypertension showed that taking garlic tablets cut volunteers' blood pressure by between one and five per cent. It is also a natural blood thinner, which means that it can reduce the incidence of blood clots, leading to stroke and thrombosis.
Fights Colds, the Flu and Parasites
Garlic is one of nature’s antibiotics because it fights against bacteria, virus, and protozoa (a type of parasite) in the body. Yet there are no nasty side effects as there are with taking antibiotics so there is not risk of wiping out good bacteria, lowering the immune system or building up a resistance.
A recent study found that the daily intake of garlic reduced the risk of volunteers catching a cold by half. The researchers also discovered that even when those who did catch the cold got over it quicker than the subjects who did not take garlic.
Anti Fungal
This potent super food also contains anti-fungal properties which can be great for yeast infection. Some women have even had success using garlic as a pessary when they get thrush.
Posted by Papillon :: 8:22 AM :: 0 Comments: ![]()
mardi, décembre 02, 2008
Melamine Found Contaminating Soy Meal Fed to Organic Chickens
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, December 2, 2008
Want to know what organic chickens are fed? If it's soy meal from China -- a cheap source of protein -- it may also contain melamine.
That's what happened with 300 tons of soy meal being fed to organic chicken in western France. Authorities discovered the soy meal contained an astonishing 50 times the maximum limit of melamine: 116mg per kg of soy meal.
This cheap Chinese soy meal was delivered to 127 "organic" chicken farms in France. Nobody yet knows how many organic chicken farms in the U.S., Canada, U.K. or Australia might also be feeding their chickens toxic levels of melamine.
This is part of the dangerous widening of the melamine scandal I predicted earlier today: Melamine contamination is now reaching into the meat supply, and it could even include organic meats such as beef, pork and chicken.
The truth is, nobody knows if meats sold in the U.S. are free of melamine because nobody has tested the meat! But we do know one thing: Factory meat farms will feed just about anything to cows, including cheap protein sources from China. And melamine could very easily be found in toxic quantities in feed products right now being fed to dairy cows or other animals harvested for their meat.
It also means that organic meat may be contaminated with melamine due to the feed sources. Certainly, organic meat is usually safer than conventional meat, but if organic poultry farms can be caught up in the melamine scandal, then just about any animal farming operation could be hit next (except for 100% free-range animals eating nothing but live grasses in the fields -- and this is so rare that for all practical purposes it does not exist in the food supply).
I fully expect this scandal to widen even further, eventually encompassing conventional dairy farms. It all comes down to the FEED, and conventional farmers are notorious for buying the cheapest sources of feed, even if they come from China. Cattle farms, after all, feed their cows chicken poop. Really. It's a USDA-approved feed ingredient for cattle operations. What happens if those chickens are eating melamine in their soy meal? They have melamine-contaminated poop, and that gets eaten by the cows, which creates melamine-contaminated milk or cow meat. And that gets eaten by the humans.
Posted by Papillon :: 7:34 AM :: 0 Comments: ![]()